

Therapy sessions will usually be weekly at the same time each week. I offer 60 minutes for a therapy session or the option of 90 minutes for an EMDR processing session. The platform I use for video calls is Bilateral Base. This is very similar to Zoom but is specifically designed for online therapy and has options for us to use EMDR built in. If you would like more information about working online you can read more in the Online Therapy section. 

Cancelled or missed sessions and holidays

Because your appointment is time that has been allocated especially for you, I ask that you give me at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend. If you do not give 24 hours notice you will still be charged for the session. It is not usually possible to re-arrange appointment times, so usually I would expect us to meet at our regular time the following week if you are unable to attend.

I will endeavour to disrupt our appointments as little as possible and will always give you advance warning of any sessions I have to cancel due to holidays or other commitments. I do not offer sessions during school holiday periods.

Therapeutic principles and review

The way that we structure our sessions (at a set time and place, for 60 minutes and for an agreed fee) helps to create a safe and boundaried space for you to explore aspects of your life. Therapy is based on a relationship between the client and therapist and depends on us creating a good working relationship, therefore I cannot guarantee that therapy will be successful in every case. I will usually suggest to my clients that we review our progress in therapy regularly.

The end of therapy

You have the right to terminate therapy at any time. I also have the right to terminate therapy if I feel that it is no longer beneficial to you or if two or more sessions have been unpaid with no advance agreement.

Keeping Safe

I am not able to provide support to my clients between sessions. We will usually discuss what you will do if you become distressed between sessions. If you do not feel able to wait until our next session please phone The Samaritans on 116 123 or contact your GP who can refer you to the Crisis Team in your area if needed.